Die With A Smile Piano Notes – Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga
Die With A Smile Keyboard Notes
🎶 SCALE | A Major [A,B,C#,D,E,F#,G#,A] |
🎬 Album | Mayhem |
🎼 Original Scale/Key | A Major [A,B,C#,D,E,F#,G#,A] |
Relative Minor: | F# minor |
⏱ Tempo/Speed | 056 BPM |
🕰 Time Signature | 4/4 |
🎵 Rhythm/Style | Slow Rock /68Slow Rock/68OrcBld |
🎶 Song Name | Die With A Smile |
📄Category | Hollywood Songs |
{Ė} B Ċ#…
Ċ# Ċ# Ċ# Ḟ# | Ġ̇# Ḟ# Ċ#…
I just woke up | from a dream
{B Ė} {Ċ#} Ċ#…| {Ė Ċ#} Ċ# {Ċ# B} {Ċ# Ḋ} Ċ#
Where you and I had to say good bye
Ċ# {Ċ#} Ė{Ċ#} Ċ# | Ḟ# Ġ̇# Ḟ# Ċ#…
And I don’t know | what it all means
{B} Ė Ċ# {B} {Ė} {Ċ#} Ċ# | {Ċ#} {B Ċ#} {Ḋ} Ċ#…
But since I survived | I rea lized
{Ċ# Ċ#} {B} Ċ# | Ċ# Ċ# B A Ė… Ċ#…
Wherever you go | that’s where I’ll follow
Ċ# {B} Ċ# Ċ# B A Ġ̇#… Ė…
Nobody’s promised to morrow
{Ḟ#} {Ġ̇# Ḟ#} {Ġ̇# Ḟ#} |{Ġ̇# Ḟ#} Ġ̇#
So I’ma love you | every night
Ġ̇# {Ġ̇#} {Ḟ#} Ȧ {Ġ̇#} Ḟ#…
like it’s the last night
Ġ̇# Ġ̇# {Ḟ#} Ȧ {Ġ̇#} Ḟ#
Like it’s the last night
Ḟ# Ḟ# Ȧ Ḟ# Ȧ Ḟ#
If the world was ending,
Ġ̇# {Ġ̇# Ġ̇#} Ȧ Ḃ Ė Ġ̇#…
I’d wanna be next to you …
Ċ#* Ġ̇# Ḟ#…
uuu …
Ḟ# Ḟ# Ȧ Ḟ# Ȧ Ḟ#
If the party was over and
{Ḟ#} Ġ̇# Ġ̇# Ȧ Ḃ Ė Ġ̇#…
our time on Earth was through
Ċ# Ġ̇# Ḟ#…
uuu …
Ḟ# {Ḟ#} {Ė} Ḟ# Ḋ…|Ḋ {B} {A} G#…
I’d wanna hold you | just for a whi le
Ȧ Ḃ… Ḃ Ċ#* Ȧ Ḟ#…
and die … with a smile
Ȧ Ȧ Ȧ Ḟ# Ḋ Ċ# Ċ#
If the world was ending,
B {B} {A} B Ċ# {G#} G#…
I’d wanna be next to you,
Ċ#… F#…
ooh ooh
Why Learn Die With A Smile on Piano?
- Simple letter notes – Great for beginners.
- Emotional and melodic – Perfect for heartfelt performances.
- Popular song – A great addition to your song collection.
Now you have the complete Die With A Smile piano notes and chords. Keep practicing and enjoy playing this beautiful melody! If you found this helpful, don’t forget to share it with fellow music lovers.
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About Die With A Smile
Die With A Smile is an English language song and is sung by Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars. Die With A Smile, from the album Die With A Smile, was released in the year 2024. The duration of the song is 4:10